P.S . I look forward to a future article on Gucci guns. Seriously an in -depth exploration on when people are willing to fork over 5- 7 k for ONE nail driver.

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I look forward to more of your takes on competition, recreationa shooting, and hunting. And everything else? 🙂

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The gun culture 2.0 concept is really a 2-edged sword. I do hope to capture gun culture in all its diversity better over here. Even as I continue to work on a book on the defensive and culture.

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The sign is important - we need better debate. Sadly too many people don't want debate. If you disagree with them, they will shout you down.

Larry Summers was to give a speech, engage is a debate at Stanford sponsored by the Law School and School of Humanities and Sciences. A group of protesters shouted him down, because debate is not allowed.

I'm old enough to remember when Free Speech was thing on university campuses.

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